Uptime Kuma: Why you need to monitor your apps now

Uptime Kuma Dashboard - Monitors your applications
Uptime Kuma Dashboard


If you know you want to try Uptime Kuma, skip ahead to Getting Started.

In this article I want to share why you want monitor your applications and how to do it. It's a lot easier than you think!

What is Uptime Kuma, and why do I care?

Uptime Kuma is an open-source uptime monitoring service that you can use at home or for business. It helps you keep track of your app response time and availability, no matter what platform it's running on. It's like a personal assistant for your app, letting you know when something isn't working correctly and alerting you when an issue arises.

The best part? Application monitoring ensures you're always in the know so you can address any issues quickly and efficiently. It's a must-have for anybody that wants to stay on top of app performance and ensure its customers have the best experience possible.

Plus, Uptime Kuma gives you an edge over the competition. You'll be able to spot potential issues before they become a problem, and you'll be able to take action before your customers notice. That means fewer outages, faster fixes, and better customer satisfaction.

In short, Uptime Kuma lets you know that your app is running smoothly and your customers are happy. With monitoring, you can ensure your app is always up and running - no matter what.

The cost of app downtime: why it's not worth the risk

The cost of app downtime can be astronomical, so it's not worth the risk. Unplanned outages can come with financial losses, customer dissatisfaction, lost productivity, and wasted resources. It's not a matter of if downtime will happen but when. The cost of app downtime can be challenging to estimate, but you should consider it.

Let's look at an example. Say you're an online retailer who experiences an unexpected outage. You may not only lose out on sales but also the trust of your customers. Your reputation could suffer, leading to a decrease in repeat customers. And if you need to hire a consultant to help you identify and fix the issue, that cost could add up quickly.

It's also important to consider the potential cost of missed opportunities. If your app is down, you can't take advantage of potential sales and other opportunities. This could be a substantial financial loss and could even cost you, customers.

But the cost of app downtime doesn't end there. Your staff could be affected, too. If your app is down, your team may work overtime to compensate for lost time, which could cost you more money in the long run.

The cost of app downtime is too high to ignore. With Uptime Kuma, you can monitor your apps and detect any outages before they cause too much damage. Investing in proactive monitoring can help you save time, money, and resources and keep your customers happy.

How Uptime Kuma can help you keep your app running smoothly

Uptime Kuma is the perfect tool for keeping your app running smoothly. With its real-time monitoring, you can keep an eye on your app's performance and make sure it's up and running. Kuma's intelligent alert system lets you know when something changes, so you can be sure your app is always running optimally.

Kuma also has detailed reports about your app's performance and current status so that you can track metrics like latency, availability, and downtime. Kuma also helps you stay ahead of the game with proactive alerting. Set alerts for when performance is below par or when there are rapid changes in response times.

Kuma also has a large variety of integrations (45+) with popular services, such as Slack, email, SMS, PagerDuty, and more. This lets you get notified in real time when there's an issue so that you can address it immediately.

You can also set up a fancy status page for your clients (or internal users) so they can see how your apps/services are doing.

Credit: LouisLam / Example of a status page you can make for your users or employees

Getting Started

There are two main ways I'll go over to get started with Uptime Kuma, choose the one that's easiest for you:

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

Examples for both are in the Github Repo.

Docker is the easiest. Run the following to get it going:

docker run --restart=always -d --name uptime-kuma \
  -p 3001:3001 \
  -v /your_local_folder/uptime-kuma:/app/data \
Running locally on docker


If you're comfortable with Kubernetes and have a cluster up already, this is for you. My example includes a deployment, ingress, pv, pvc, and a service.

To get started create your namespace:

kubectl create namespace uptime-kuma

Then go through the files an edit as you find necessary. The only two required edits would be in ingress.yaml to use a host you control. And the second would be changing pv.yaml to point to a local folder you want to save Uptime Kuma's files in.

Once that is done, then run kubernetes-start.sh and you should have it up and running in your cluster!

Happy Monitoring!